
Why sustainable
fish farming?

To us the whole sustainability means that

ALL the resources are being put back to circulation.

Sustainable fish farming is the best way to produce protein to meet the demands of the world’s growing population. A shift from meat to fish in an environmentally sustainable way to take care of our planet and its habitants.

Why recirculating aquaculture system (RAS)


Traditional open net pen salmon farming contaminates marine ecosystems as the waste products (feces and feed) are released directly into the environment. With our closed system, we can trap all the waste in our discharge water and recirculate the nutrients into fertilizers and bioenergy.

for the seas, fish and you

Microplastics are found everywhere in every ocean. According to the 2017 UN report, there’s more than 51 trillion microplastic particles in our seas. And if they’re in the sea, they’re in the fish, too. We grow our fish out of the sea and in a closed system to ensure we don’t increase the microplastic load further – and can provide the consumers with plastic-free fish.

Fish in the sea

That common phrase you know is more wrong every day. Overfishing is taking the wildlife from the seas at rates too high for fished species to replace themselves. The demand for fish is increasing while the supply deficit is expected to reach 30 % by 2030. We want to stop this progress by farming fish on land.

Benefits of RAS technology


reducing pollution, conserving water resources, and preventing the spread of diseases to wild aquatic populations.

saves water

We recirculate and purify water, reducing the need for large volumes of fresh water. 99% less water than traditional fish farming.


Optimal water conditions and consistent temperature lead to faster growth and healthy fish.

All sidestreams
fully utilized

Nothing goes to waste. From fish fillets to oil, pet food and fertilizers, Finnforel transforms every part into value, supporting a truly circular food economy.


in the discharge water means minimal environmental burden. Clean technology, clean water, clean fish.


Means no plastics or diseases and no antibiotics or pesticides. Better management of water quality, resulting in healthier fish.


Finnforel operates in controlled, indoor facilities, enabling year-round production of fresh rainbow trout — regardless of season or weather. Stable availability, consistent quality, and food security every day of the year.


Close to consumers. Local production means shorter transport distances, fresher products, and a smaller carbon footprint — supporting regional economies and sustainable food systems.


Water quality, temperature, oxygen levels, and feeding are precisely managed. Optimal fish welfare, consistent growth, and safe, high-quality products with minimal environmental impact.